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What is a Live Escape Game?

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63 million visitors each year in French musems (1), 208 million cinema tickets sold in 2014 (2) ; French people still love traditional cultural hobbies. However, new kinds of leisures and experiences have appeared in the last few years.

Among these, creative leisures (such as cooking lessons, mixology, DIY, etc.) together represent 1,25 billion euros of revenue each year in France (3).

New phenomenon coming from Japan and Hong-Kong, the Live Escape Game is one of the newest kind of these leisures. Reaching Europe in 2011 in Budapest, then in London since 2012, it’s inspired by point-and-click video games, in which the gamer uses his environment to solve enigmas.

Transposed in a physical place, the Live Escape Game is based on a strong and very efficient concept : locked in a room, a team has to collaborate to escape in less than one hour!

To succeed, only one option: explore every single corner of the room and work as a team to solve multiple enigmas, which will lead them to the exit. The players have to show some logic, creativity and a rock solid cohesion.

Newcomer in Paris, the Lock Academy enhances the experience by putting players in detectives’ shoes, investigating on events which happened in their school. As in a role-playing game, each mystery has its original scenario, with many unexpected developments.

Un Live Escape Game – Qu’est-ce que c’est

Les chiffres-clés du phénomène Live Escape Game

  • Nearly 3.000 Live Escape Games in the world
  • Since December 2013, 50 Live Escape Games in France, including 16 in Paris 
  • More than 15 new Live Escape Games will open in Paris before the end of 2016
  • More than 200 000 people have tried the Live Escape Game experience in Paris
  • On Trip Advisor, the top 5 in Games and entertainment in Paris are Live Escape Games

(1) Source : Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication, 2013.
(2) Source : Centre National du Cinéma et de l’image animée, 2014.
(3) Source : Etude Xerfi « Loisirs créatifs » (décembre 2013)