Paris 2024 Olympics: No “Pass Jeux” QR Code is required to join our two Academies!
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Who’s behind Lock Academy?

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A lot of motivation, supportive relatives and help from experienced professionals : here is the recipe that Laurent Ifrah, 30, and Romain Santiago, 27, used to bring the Lock Academy to life.

Both gameaholics, they were among the first players to discover the first Parisian Live Escape Game, only a few weeks after its opening. Laurent and Romain have immediately fell in love with this new concept and they decided to quit their jobs to embark upon the great adventure of entrepreuneurship.

This is the starting point of a long-term endeavour to raise funds and realise their dream. Friends, family and a bank, all of them gave the two entrepreneurs their trust. A final input from Paris Initiative Entreprise, an association which helps to finance new businesses, makes ends meet. Administrative procedures, search for premises in Paris, layout work… The months go by and the challenges come one after another for the two friends and associates

In the meantime, the Lock Academy slowly comes to life : a logo, a universe, and mysteries imagined by Laurent and Romain, everything is taking shape. One year after the project starts, the Lock Academy is finally ready to welcome the first teams of players.